Personally, I think it should be called the "Aretha-Fancy-Go-To-Sunday-Meetin'-Hat", but that's just me. Its not actually a bonnet is it?
Ok, now that I'm not ROFLing, I'm promoting the Free Aretha Hat that Photos put together, available at the A:S:S store. Here's a link to the blog!
Whether you wear it or not, is up to you.. I tried it on, when I was wearing my Spring Saturday Best (from last night when I logged in) and here's the result! Put me up there with Bill, Estel, and Aretha herself!
Get on down to Starfall tonight! 4PM is when Merrick brings the Easter Sunday Spring Fling. And I'll be DJing at 6pm until some kind of bovine or equestrian life form decides its the right time to return to their abode.
See you there! Don't forget the Hat!

Just wait til you see Mal in his bonnet! heheh