The Starfall schedule of events is as follows:
Please welcome the latest brand-spankin' new additions to our mad little band - DJ Protogenes Ewing and DJ Sora Bluebird! Both guys have decided they want to try their luck being brand new Djs, and I'm so glad to give them the chance!
DJ Proto will play on Wednesdays from 4-6PM SL time.
DJ Sora will play on Tuesdays from 3-5PM SL time.
The Starfall schedule of events is as follows:
Please check the schedule below for times.
The Club is undergoing some improvements and changes to the structure.
We have HALLOWEEN Decorations up all over the club - have fun and enjoy the atmos! The clubhouse can't be far away, can it?
We are working on the club above and below the dance floor over the next few weeks, as time, builders, and resources come available.
(all times are SL time)
Monday October 5th
6PM DJ Kaj with Host Blaise
Tuesday October 6th
3PM DJ Sora with Host TBD (starting Tuesday October 13th)
5PM DJ Sasch with Host Jacki
Wednesday October 7th
4PM DJ Proto with Host Dehrynn
6PM DJ Merrick with Host Shizuka
Thursday October 8th
6PM DJ Kev with Host Echo
Friday October 9th - Fab-U-lous Friday
2PM DJ Esmiel with Host Shiz
4PM DJ Dehrynn with Host Ima
6PM DJ Kaj with Host Blaise
8PM DJ MTD with Host Shiz
Saturday October 10th
3PM DJ Dehrynn with Host Echo
6PM DJ Blaise with Host Ima
Sunday October 11th
4PM DJ Blaise with Host Ima
6PM DJ Dehrynn with Host Echo
The club owner and manager is Dehrynn Shepherd. Please IM or send a note card to him with questions.
Yaaaay for the newbies :D