Malden de Cuir was the beau with the balls last night. He was blond. He was pink. He was latex'd. HE WAS 3! ..and he wore it well. Happy Rezday Mal ... and many, many more. You single handedly made pink the new butch. Thanks to all our friends who came to STARFALL last night to celebrate the rezday of the Sausage King of Seattle!
OPEN CALL FOR DJ’s : Tuesday 3PM - 5PM SLT. We’re auditioning dj’s for this timeslot. Interested? Contact Dehrynn Shepherd or Kyne Tigerpaw for more details.
Saturday July 24
2PM DJ Tristan with Host Ima
4PM DJ Dehrynn with Host Nat Noir
6PM DJ Malden With Host Cooper
8PM DJ Jules with Host
Sunday July 25
2PM DJ Sora with Host Ima
4PM DJ Merrick with Host echo
6PM DJ Dehrynn with Host Nat Noir
Monday July 26 - The Great Monday Beat-Off!
4PM DJ Tristan with Host Shizuka
6PM DJ Kaj with Host Malden
Tuesday July 27
3PM DJ of Mystery with Host Shizuka
5PM DJ Sasch with Host Ima
NEW! 9PM DJ Dov with Host Ima
Wednesday July 28
4PM DJ Protogenes with Host Cooper
6PM DJ Merrick with Host Shizuka
Thursday July 29
4PM DJ Ragingcrys with Host Shizuka
6PM DJ Colwyn with Host Cooper
Friday July 30 - FAAAAABULOUS Friday!
2PM DJ Esmiel with Host Shizuka
4PM DJ Dehrynn with Host Ima
6PM DJ Kaj with Host Malden
8PM DJ MTD with Host echo
Saturday July 31
2PM DJ Tristan with Host Ima
4PM DJ Dehrynn with Host Nat Noir
6PM DJ Malden With Host Cooper
8PM DJ Jules with Host
Sunday August 1
2PM DJ Sora with Host
4PM DJ Merrick with Host echo
6PM DJ Dehrynn with Host Nat Noir
Monday August 2 - The Great Monday Blues Beat-Off!
4PM DJ Tristan with Host Shizuka
6PM DJ Kaj with Host Malden
Tuesday August 3
3PM DJ of Mystery with Host Shizuka
5PM DJ Sasch with Host Ima
9PM DJ Dov with Host Ima
Wednesday August 4
4PM DJ Protogenes with Host Cooper
6PM DJ Merrick with Host Shizuka
Thursday August 5
4PM DJ Ragingcrys with Host Shizuka
6PM DJ Colwyn with Host Cooper
Friday August 6 - FAAAAAABULOUS Friday!
2PM DJ Esmiel with Host Shizuka
4PM DJ Dehrynn with Host Ima
6PM DJ Kaj with Host Malden
8PM DJ MTD with Host echo
Saturday August 7
2PM DJ Tristan with Host Ima
4PM DJ Dehrynn with Host Nat Noir
6PM DJ Malden With Host Cooper
8PM DJ Jules with Host
Sunday August 8
2PM DJ Sora with Host
4PM DJ Merrick with Host echo
6PM DJ Dehrynn with Host Nat Noir
Monday August 9 - The Great Monday Blues Beat-Off! Come as you are. *coughs*
4PM DJ Tristan with Host Shizuka
6PM DJ Kaj with Host Malden
IF you have any questions or suggestions or have a problem you want to bring to our attention, please contact the Owner/Manager, Dehrynn Shepherd, or the Asst Manager, Kyne Tigerpaw.
I just wanted to say that, whomever the mystery blogger is - it seems there is a persistent posting - assuming you are indeed the same blogger - but since I'm too lazy to translate, can you do it for me? (for those of you watching, its the first commenter above) I thank you for your interest - really - I hope that Starfall, and those of us that frequent / are involved bring you hours of enjoyment from our exploits and focus on inuendo. But I wish you'd translate your post into English, as.. its terrible to say something and no one can understand you - maybe that's just me being me. I sincerely hope we bring a ray of sunshine to your world *nods*