StarFall Fabulous Friday!!
So - we had ourselves a party last night. It was 6 + hours of great music, fun, excitement, and a penchant for salutes. Yes, we had 3 DJs that pumped up the energy and kept it there, and guys in speedos, so.. of course we were.. saluting.
First up was me - your ever-lovin' DJ Dehrynn. I sent out the call, and friends and folks decended on "The Temple of Rawk" (and the "Temple of Love" depending on the one I talk about at the time *grin*). Ima was a blast as my host, doing what Ima does so well, entertaining the gang and keeping the party flowing. Everyone had a great time - and that is what makes it all worth while. I got the crowd good and warmed up for my friend, DJ Kaj.
Kaj took over the stream at 6, and his party was themed "speedo". This was partly inspired by Charley's beachwear choice from the 4th of July celebration we had a few weeks back (anyone that was there can understand the inspiration ...mmmmmm Charley's speedo). Blaise was hosting, doing his usual fantastic job at chatting up the crowd and supporting the DJ like a well oiled .. ummm.. well oiled.. MMmmm yeah he looks good well oiled *grin*.
Anyway, the crowd had a display of skin and bods that was truly mouthwatering, and we all oggled each other profusely. Kaj's inspired choice of music ranged from the rawkin' tunes we all love, to where he really got his gay on. The crowd loved it. If it had started Raining Men, I would not have been surprised.
As Kaj wound up his set, DJ Merrick slid into the stream @ 8PM, in his Friday night timeslot debut, keeping the party alive with the smooth, sexy tunes and a dreamy voice that stroked us to the end of the night. Merrick has moved from his previous Wednesday slot, to try our "great experiment" in adding to the newly dubbed "Starfall Fabulous Friday" line up.
This weekend marks 1 month since Starfall opened, and things just keep getting better and better. The wonderful crowds, the fun, the excitement, the friends we've made, the new friends we're making, and the most excellent music that we play here. It's all down to the people that come to enjoy, and the DJs and Hosts on Staff here at Starfall. We gather to share and enjoy one another, make new friends, and enjoy the music. I think we've got the best group this side of the galaxy.
Next week, we will have a Fabulous Friday, with the return of DJ Esmi at 2PM to start the weekend party, so we will have 8 hours of music and fun! It really will be Fabulous.